Sunday, December 11, 2011

My parents would be proud!

I know it's been a while, but it's finals' time and let's be real, what is anyone doing beside studying? Or working? Or questioning where in the world you were all semester because what's on the study guide was definitely never taught in class. Anyways, I've got a special guest coming to town soon! (My Abuelo!) And I've been busy getting everything looking fancy and beautiful in my room so he doesn't think I live in filth. Which I don't. 

Now just recently I brought down my big dresser, which I haven't had in ages, and was rearranging everything in my room. And here are some things I came across while cleaning my room...

1.  No bookcase 
Having no bookcase, and therefore having to shove all my books into the bottom drawer of my dresser makes me feel like I'm in the Fahrenheit 451 setting.  Although I'll be the first to admit that this is the WORST place ever to hide books. The toaster would be my first choice. 

2. Flashbacks 
 I ran across my binder from high school in which there are a few awesome things in it; pictures from a photo booth from my San Diego trip with band, and a flyer from an open house that Kelsey, Skylar and I went to.  We tried to convince the Realtor I was a legitimate buyer, which I am 92% positive we did. Did I mention how awesome we are?

3. Missing Games
Now I have a horrible problem of putting one game in another game's case and then in 2 days, when I've forgotten where I put it, I go into a spiral of depression.  But hey look! Found it.

4. Money!!! 
I love finding money I didn't know I had. Watch out cause I found a whole lot of money. Feast your eyes. 

5. Time isn't constant. 
 Now all these watches were synched at the same time around a year ago when McDonald's had these bad boys in their happy meals. However, the times ranged from 5:43 to 4:45.... Alright Einstein. Explain this.

6.  Final Studying
These notes were taken last year when studying for my OChem final. Midway down the page though you can see how I gave up. Sadly this is what most of my "studying for finals" papers look like. Can't keep the creativeness caged. (Oh and I'm not a hoarder. I was surprised to find this. I swear.)

7. DUCK!

 This is a fancy light up/changing colors duck. I was surprised it still had battery life but I was able to catch it during its color change of red to blue. Pretty fancy right?! 5 minutes were wasted after the finding of this lovely duck.

8. Old School
 I got ridiculously happy when I found this. I love my DS no doubt. But that can't beat the original. And I know Game Boy Color wasn't the first, but it more or less was first generation. 

9. Secret Stash
Bam. Found one of my secret stashes of awesome Pokemon cards. The rest? No idea where those are. But still, I found these. And that makes my heart smile in the most uncomfortably happy way. 

So there you have it. Go clean your room and maybe you'll find awesome happy things too!

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