Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - Finale

I've just finished eating. I'll try and finish writing this before I slip into my food coma. No promises though.
Whew. Here goes.

 All done and delicious smelling. Yum yum yum!
My dad is a Master carver. Future boyfriends, you have been warned.
Turkey carvings! All up on a platter. 

Now my family usually does the whole yams with mandarin oranges and marshmallows, well I am not a fan of this dish so I said hey let's just fry them up. And bam. They were fried.

Mashed Potatoes
Personally I could do without mashed potatoes. I'm just not a huge fan but my sister loves them. Wanna know how to make them creamy good though? Add evaporated milk. Do it. 

The rest of the gang

And finally the table 

My delicious Thanksgiving plate...

Now let's not forget about dessert!
Oh pumpkin pie. It's good to see you again old friend.
 My mother put together a very good and plentiful looking pumpkin pie slice, with a touch of whipped cream.

Now I. LOVE. Whipped Cream.
So mine looked a little different.
 Don't worry there is actually pie in there. 
 Told ya.
Overall. Delicious. Now I'll be watching football while I slip into my coma.  If you don't hear from me it's probably because I'm hibernating. I'll see you come Spring. 

Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving! 

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