Friday, May 11, 2012



That word has been uttered, both aloud and in my head, numerous times over the past couple of weeks in an exponentially increasing manner. Currently it's on constant replay in my head which makes it much harder to type because it's going something like this, "FINALLY Currently FINALLY it's FINALLY on FINALLY constant FINALLY replay FINALLY".... you get the idea.
Look at my hood! 
But anyways, I've graduated with my Master's from the University of Arizona. Oh it feels incredibly good. I was hooded. Which wasn't as gangster as it sounds but regardless it was awesome. 
Wanna see something fancy? Here are my grad announcements, my family and I made them ourselves because buying them is super expensive and the product looks cheap. This looks classy.

Am I right?

Kelsey even drove down to watch me walk/be hooded! She's seriously the best friend ever. She missed out on her own graduation! But I'll make it up to her. You bet your bottom dollar.

What am I going to do now? No idea. Well I do have an idea, many ideas. But for now I just want to focus on the fact that I finished FINALLY, and I couldn't be happier. 

To all those that graduated, whether undergrad, or graduate, or ASU or any other school, Congratulations. I'll drink to that. 

Would it be wrong to make everyone call me "Master Encinas" now?

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